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Inverness Half Marathon

Date : 9 March 2025
Start Time : 12.30
Number of Places : 2,250

The Inverness Half Marathon is a popular race, attracting both celebrity and professional runners as well as thousands of keen amateurs. There is also a 5K fun run.

Inverness Half Marathon Route
The race starts alongside the banks of the River Ness near the centre of Inverness. The course is run mainly on tarmac, changing to grass then running track only at the finish.

Inverness Half Marathon Entry
* Unaffiliated Runners : £43
* SAC Affiliated Runners : £41
* UK Affiliated Runners : £43
* Registration Deadline : When the race is full.

Inverness Half Marathon

Contact Information
Contact : Malcolm Sutherland, Race Director
Address : Caledonian Concepts, PO Box 26, Muir of Ord, IV6 7WZ
Tel. : 0844 875 1411
Email : info@invernesshalfmarathon.co.uk
Website : https://www.invernesshalfmarathon.co.uk