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Imerys Trail Half Marathon

Date : Cancelled
Start Time : N/A
Number of Places : N/A

The Imerys Trail races ended in 2023. Organisers hope to create a new event.

Imerys Trail Half Marathon Route
The race follows a predominantly off-road route incorporating the St Austell countryside and coastal scenery. This includes land owned by Cornwall's China Clay Industry that, for one day, will be open to the public. Runners start and finish at Cornwall College.

Imerys Trail Half Marathon Entry
* Unaffiliated Runners : N/A
* Affiliated Runners : N/A
* Registration Deadline : N/A

Contact Information
Contact : Pat Haynes
Address : St Austell Running Club, Tregorrick Park, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 7AG
Tel. : 01726 891094
Email : PatHaynesCITM@protonmail.com
Website : https://www.staustellrunningclub.co.uk/imerys